新关注 > 信息聚合 > 前方大波福利 封天多重豪礼任你来拿

前方大波福利 封天多重豪礼任你来拿

In front of our welfare day multiple Hao Li Ren you to take

2015-09-30 10:47:57来源: 新浪

嘘!国庆期间《封天》将有一“大波”福利活动Hululu向我们靠近!高能预警!请注意!请注意!!请注意!!!(重要的事情说三遍)爽翻的时刻到了~目标一“大波”福利!前进!前进!前进!首先,先排好队列!让小编说下活动细节,一条硬广!很硬很硬!参与起来! 【活动一】:蹴鞠 【活动时间】...

boo! During the national day, the closure of the day will have a big wave of welfare activities Hululu to us! High energy early warning! Please note! Please note!! Please note!!! (the important thing is to say three times) the time of the great turn to the "big wave" benefits! Forward Forward Forward First of all, the queue! Let Xiao Bian said the details of the event, a hard wide! Hard hard! Participate! [a] activities [time]: cuju...