新关注 > 信息聚合 > 战力大幅提升的基石 《火瀑》首曝模组系统

战力大幅提升的基石 《火瀑》首曝模组系统

Significantly enhance the combat power of the cornerstone of the firefall first exposure system module Sina

2015-09-30 10:25:15来源: 新浪

闯江湖还需一件称手兵器,想要拯救地球,没有好行头怎么行。在《火瀑》(Firefall)中与其费时费力碰运气地去刷一件珍贵武器或者技能,不如花点儿工夫利用手头上的物件将自身的能力最大化,而模组系统就是为此而设计的。 与刷装备和强化系统相比,模组的成本低(只有改造模组和卸下模组时会花钱)...

Kenshin is a known hand weapon, want to save the planet, no costume can. In the firefall (firefall) and time-consuming to brush a precious weapon skill or luck, not flowery a little time using the object at hand to maximize its ability, and system module is designed for this purpose. Compared with the brush and the reinforcement system, the module has a low cost (only the transformation module and the unloading module will spend money)...