新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《全球使命2》雪域危机大地图攻略心得


"Global Mission 2" snow crisis map the Raiders learned Sina

2015-09-23 12:00:42来源: 新浪

先说个好消息,《全球使命2》新地图雪域危机的资料片已经在各大视频网站上线啦!认真看过的玩家们一定会发现,这个信息量很大的资料片其实是为大家准备的攻略片。整部资料片简洁有力的介绍了新地图的剧情、新生物以及终极BOSS,一起来了解下详情吧! 结局是始料未及的 首先要说明的是,雪域危机...

first good news, "Global Mission 2" new map snow crisis has been in the major video website on-line friends! Carefully players will find that the amount of this information is very big data is actually ready for the Raiders film. The whole piece of information is concise and powerful introduced the new map of the plot, the new biology and the ultimate BOSS, together to understand the details of it! The outcome is unexpected at first, the crisis...