新关注 > 信息聚合 > 大神带你飞 新倩女幽魂怒推百人主播团

大神带你飞 新倩女幽魂怒推百人主播团

God takes you to fly new Hachikuro anger pushed hundreds of anchor group

2015-09-23 10:39:10来源: 新浪

导语:《新倩女幽魂》将于9月25日破界公测,新主城、新玩法、新手系统、新职业、新剧情、新形象、新界面等九大更新,吸引大批玩家踊跃参与新服预约,12组服务器全部爆满。 今日,《新倩女幽魂》又放出了全新福利,百人主播团将与玩家们一起,挑战全新新手跨服团战,带你升级带你飞! 告别单机任...

lead: update the new ghost story "will be on September 25, broken beta, the main city of the new, new ways, new system, new career, new story, new image, interface and so on nine, attracting a large number of internationally active participation and new service appointment and 12 groups of servers all full. Today, the new ghost story "has released a new welfare, hundreds of anchor group will with the players together, new challenges, new cross service group fights, take you to upgrade to take you fly! Farewell to the single...

标签: 主播