新关注 > 信息聚合 > LOL新版本最强势英雄盘点,最强王者的不二之选!


The new version of LOL's most powerful hero inventory, the choice of the strongest king!

2015-09-23 08:41:24来源: 东北网

5.18版本将会是S5总决赛的使用版本,那么有哪些英雄会在S5大出风头呢?小伙伴们也可以用他们来上分哦。 输出型上单崛起 无双剑姬菲奥娜 5.18版本削弱了剑姬的基础生命值和成长生命值,基础护甲也略有削弱。但是个人觉得这个削弱无伤大雅,遥想曾经的挖掘机、酒桶等英雄,在生命值这一...

5.18 version will be S5 final version, so what are the heroes will be a big hit at S5? Small partners can also use them to the points oh. Output type single rising matchless Ca Kim Fiona 5.18 version weakens the sword Ji of basic life value and growth in the value of life, the base armor also weakened slightly. But personally feel that the weakening back once, not hurt the important essentials, such as excavator barrel hero, in the value of life is this...

标签: LOL