新关注 > 信息聚合 > 安妮辅助流的创始者:昔日皇族王牌辅助Tabe


Founder Annie flow assisted: former ace of the Royal auxiliary Tabe

2015-09-22 14:05:25来源: 巴士LOL

数不清的一次次赛场上总能见到安妮辅助这个爆发性超强的英雄,自那之后,无论是路人还是职业战队也开始了安妮辅助战术的尝试,在一次次职业赛场上,无论是哪个战队都会先将安妮BAN掉,这也算是英雄联盟几年前一个非BAN必选的流行节奏。 最难以让人忘怀的便是“2013年英雄联盟全球总决赛”中OM...

countless again and again game always see Anne assisted the explosive super hero, since then, whether it is passers-by or professional team also began to Anne auxiliary tactics to try and in again and again in the professional arena, both which team will first Anne ban off, this also is regarded is hero alliance a few years ago a non ban required popular rhythm. The most difficult to let people forget is the 2013 League of legends in the world finals OM...