新关注 > 信息聚合 > 日宅最希望能游戏化的动漫作品Top10


On the house of hope most game animation works Top10

2015-09-21 14:05:30来源: 漫域联播

动漫虽好,然只可远观可不可亵玩焉。想要亲临其境的自由玩耍!那就只有期盼作品的游戏化咯~好在现在动漫的游戏化、剧场化、真人化、本子……咳,都很容易很平常啦,也许联名搞个投票可以有卵用?于是为大家带来本期“万人票选”的话题就是“日宅最希望能游戏化的动漫作品Top10”! 啊咧?真的有游戏嘛...

animation broadcast domain diffuse is good, but only a distance can not play. Want to personally visit the free play! That only look forward to the work of the game of the game now, but now the animation of the game, theater, real, book...... Well, it's easy to be common, and maybe a joint vote can be made. So we bring the "million people voted" the topic is "on the house of hope most game animation works Top10"! Ah? There really is a game...

标签: 游戏