新关注 > 信息聚合 > 乘风破浪 出海远航 2020国际游戏商务大会圆满举办

乘风破浪 出海远航 2020国际游戏商务大会圆满举办

The 2020 international game business conference of sailing to sea by wind and waves was successfully held

2020-08-05 00:00:00来源: 人民网

  由中国音像与数字出版协会、中共上海市委宣传部指导,中国音数协游戏工委、 国家对外文化贸易基地(上海)、上海市文化创意产业促进会、 嘉定区人民政府主办的2020国际游戏商务大会昨日(7月29日)在上海举办。在下午时段中,多家游戏企业、平台,通过经验分享、圆桌论坛等方式,共同探讨多重挑战之下,游戏出海的新挑战新机遇,并希望通过本次活动能为更多想要出海、正在出海的游戏人予以启发。 上海市文化创意产业推进领导小组办公室专职副主任、上海市文化创意产业促进会副会长强荧首先上台致辞。随后,中国音像与数字出版协会副秘书长兼中国音数协游戏工委秘书长唐贾军发布《2020年中小游戏企业发展状况调查报告》并对报告进行解读。报告指出,广大中小游戏企业所起到的作用不可小觑,但从数据上看中小游戏企业的发展仍然面临各种问题及风险。唐

Guided by the China Audio-Visual and Digital Publishing Association and the Publicity Department of Shanghai Municipal Committee of the CPC, the 2020 international game business conference hosted by the games working committee of the association of Chinese voice and digital publishing, the national foreign cultural trade base (Shanghai), Shanghai cultural and Creative Industry Promotion Association and Jiading District People's government was held in Shanghai yesterday (July 29). In the afternoon, many game enterprises and platforms discuss new challenges and new opportunities of the game going to sea under multiple challenges through experience sharing and round table forum, and hope that this activity can inspire more gamers who want to go to sea and are going to sea. Qiang Fu, full-time deputy director of the office of Shanghai Leading Group for promoting cultural and creative industries and vice president of Shanghai Council for the promotion of cultural and creative industries, first delivered a speech. Subsequently, Tang Jiajun, Deputy Secretary General of China Audio-Visual and Digital Publishing Association and Secretary General of the game Working Committee of China Federation of audio and digital publishing, issued the 2020 survey report on the development of small and medium-sized game enterprises and interpreted the report. The report points out that the role played by the majority of small and medium-sized game enterprises can not be underestimated, but from the data, the development of small and medium-sized game enterprises still faces various problems and risks. Tang Dynasty

标签: 游戏