新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中国历史背景漫画《刺客信条:王朝》8月26日上线


Chinese historical background cartoon Assassin's Creed: Dynasty was launched on August 26

2020-07-30 11:34:39来源: 游戏时光

  育碧宣布首部中国原创漫画《刺客信条:王朝》将于 8 月 26 日在新漫画和腾讯动漫平台上线,由中国知名漫画家许先哲(《镖人》)、张肖(《云中孤岛》) 领衔创作,双周更新。  《刺客信条:王朝》以中国唐朝天宝时期为背景,讲述了刺客李萼在王朝内乱之中奋力抗争、力挽狂澜,建立中国刺客兄弟会的前身——“无形者”,并最终成为一代刺客大师。  根据介绍,主创团队历时 2 年详考了史实、风土、人情、武备、服饰,前往西安取材求证,并邀请了“百家讲坛”主讲人、人民大学历史学院副院长孟宪实教授担任历史顾问,以求在漫画中还原真实的大唐风貌。  感谢育碧能够邀请我参与《刺客信条:王朝》漫画的创作,同时也给予了我很大的创作空间。我们将《刺客信条》宏大的世界观与中国侠义精神有机结合,并且在史料考究方面下了很大功夫,希望能将充

Ubisoft announced that the first Chinese original cartoon, Assassin's Creed: Dynasty, will be launched on the new cartoon and Tencent animation platforms on August 26. It will be created by famous Chinese cartoonists Xu Xianzhe (darter) and Zhang Xiao (isolated island in the clouds) and updated every two weeks. "Assassin's Creed: Dynasty" is based on the Tianbao period of the Tang Dynasty. It tells the story of Li Ge, the assassin, who fought hard in the civil strife of the dynasty, and established the predecessor of China's assassin Brotherhood - "invisible one", and finally became an assassin master. According to the introduction, the main team spent two years studying historical facts, customs, human relations, military equipment and clothing, and went to Xi'an to collect materials for verification, and invited Professor Meng Xianshi, the speaker of "hundred lecture halls" and vice president of the school of history of Renmin University, as a historical consultant, in order to restore the real style of Tang Dynasty in the comics. Thanks to Ubisoft for inviting me to participate in the creation of "Assassin's Creed: Dynasty" cartoon, which also gave me a lot of creative space. We have organically combined the grand world outlook of Assassin's creed with Chinese chivalrous spirit, and have made great efforts in the research of historical materials, hoping to enrich them

标签: 刺客信条