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英魂猎手内测奖励 召唤师永久奖励

Souls Hunter beta reward call division permanent reward

2015-08-14 11:21:44来源: 4399

体验过一周的救世主们,对英魂猎手这款游戏感觉如何呢?是不是超级喜欢。内测你们就这么爱不释手了,公测的时候要我怎么才好呢!哈哈!还没有等到公测,公测奖励就来咯!大家可要抓紧机会不要错过呢! 活动时间:8月14日-内测结束 活动奖励:救世主时装一套、星界虚灵精灵一只、召唤师快速成长礼包一...

experienced a week of Messiahs, how to feel about this game of the souls of the hunter? Is not like super. Beta so you fondle admiringly, beta to me how to go about it! Ha ha! Do not wait until the beta, beta reward to cough up! We can seize the opportunity not to miss it! Activity time: August 14 - beta end reward: Savior fashion set, astral virtual Ling elves a, call division rapid growth package...