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古剑现世 《魔剑奇谈》不删档测试正式开启

Swords of the earthly the Shadowbane strange tale "does not delete files test officially opened

2015-08-14 11:00:22来源: 4399

仙侠类ARPG动作手游《魔剑奇谈》今日正式登陆4399游戏盒,震撼开启不删档测试!游戏恢弘的场景和激昂的音乐带你进入一个梦幻般的神话世界;街机实时战斗体感、战斗技能自由组合,流畅的连击及全屏AOE大招,多重元素呈现在你面前,弹指间热血沸腾。 《魔剑奇谈》安卓版下载:http://a.4...

Xian Xia class ARPG tour hand movements the Shadowbane strange tale of" today officially landed 4399 game box, shock do not open the deleted file test! Game grand scene and passionate music take you into a fantastic world of myth; arcade somatosensory real-time combat, combat skills free combination, smooth batter and full screen AOE nukes, multiple elements present in front of you, a snap of the fingers between the blood boiling. "The mystery" download Android version: http://a.4...