新关注 > 信息聚合 > 反驳游戏是关于选择的这一谬论


Refute the game is about the choice of this fallacy

2015-08-14 12:13:15来源: 游戏邦

如果说有什么是每次关于游戏叙述讨论中都会出现的内容,那便是玩家的选择。 有时候,如果游戏是基于分支故事结构,那么选择可能会取决于游戏系统或机制(就像Telltale和Quantic Dream等公司采取的做法)。 有时候,在一款带有更加开放结构的游戏中,选择可能会通过玩家与模仿元素,...

if anything is every time a game narrative discussion will appear, it is the player's choice. Sometimes, if the game is based on a branching story structure, the choice may depend on the game system or mechanism (like Telltale and Dream Quantic). Sometimes, in a game with a more open structure, the choice may be through the players and imitate elements,...

标签: 游戏