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智能手机崛起 日本年轻人电脑使用频率逐渐减少

Smartphones rise of young Japanese computer use frequency gradually reduced Sina

2015-08-10 20:36:54来源: 新浪

在很多人眼里,日本网民大多印象还在沉迷网吧或者死宅的群体。不过伴随手机游戏的崛起,很多日本人开始尝试少用甚至抛弃电脑玩游戏,至少在年轻人群体中表现有所变化。 据调查,日本网民使用智能手机上网平均时间是每天1小时48分钟,使用PC上网时间是平均每天54分钟(包括在家和在工作场所)。 ...

in the eyes of many people, Japanese Internet users mostly impression still addicted to Internet cafes or dead curtilage groups. But with the rise of mobile games, a lot of Japanese began to try to use less or even throw away the computer to play games, at least in the young people's performance has changed. According to the survey, the average time of Internet users in the use of smart phones is 48 hours a day, 1 minutes, the use of PC Internet time is an average of 54 minutes per day (including in the home and in the workplace). ...