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《像三国》内测开启 终将成TCG经典

"Like the Three Kingdoms" open beta will be TCG classic

2015-08-05 12:05:13来源: 4399

《像三国》时隔几个月的时间,终于在8月5日与大家见面了。三国时代大大小小的战争,成就了卧龙凤雏的才华横溢。更是让文武双全的周瑜饮恨而亡!整个三足鼎立之势,将穿越轮回,落脚21世纪,3大主公宝座岌岌可危。四大天王也前来争抢天梯之王宝座! 8月5日,《像三国》将同步上线各大渠道,60多家...

the like romance of Three Kingdoms ", after a lapse of several months of time, finally on August 5, and you meet. Large and small war three times, the achievements of the Wolong Phoenix full of wit. One is to let Zhou Yu come to grief to death! The potential will pass through a situation of tripartite confrontation, in twenty-first Century 3, reincarnation, Lord of the throne be placed in jeopardy. Four kings came to the throne for the king of the ladder! August 5th, "like the Three Kingdoms" will be synchronized on the line of the major channels, more than 60...