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福布斯差评《怒鸟2》 既不原版也无创新

Forbes named "angry bird" is neither original nor on 30 innovative

2015-08-05 13:54:38来源: TechWeb

7月 30 日,Rovio 寄予厚望的《愤怒的小鸟》正统续作《愤怒的小鸟2》打着“李易峰至爱手游”的旗号在中国区轰轰烈烈地上架了。想必大家都已经体验过这款弹弓弹射 2.0 玩法的新作,有何感想?是觉得乐趣依旧呢还是审美疲劳呢? 游戏上架后第二天,《福布斯》编辑也发表了《愤怒的小鸟2》游...

7, Rovio hopes the "angry birds" sequel "angry birds" banner of "Li Yi Feng beloved Tour" in China vigorously shelves the. Everyone must have experienced this Catapult 2 new play, what do you think? Do you think it's still a pleasure to be a taste? Second days after the game shelves, "Forbes" editor also published a "angry birds 2" tour...