新关注 > 信息聚合 > ChinaJoy闭幕:游戏产业惊人增长 游戏文化也在"走..

ChinaJoy闭幕:游戏产业惊人增长 游戏文化也在"走..

Closing ChinaJoy: amazing game industry growth culture also in "go..

2015-08-03 08:31:27来源: 东方网

原标题:游戏产业不是天使,但也绝不是魔鬼 2015ChinaJoy火爆现场。蒋迪雯摄 比上海这几天的天气还热的,是昨天闭幕的2015ChinaJoy。 办了13届的ChinaJoy,已经成为了一个现象级盛会:大批游戏厂商趋之若鹜,各路游戏高手云集,游戏爱好者人流如织……展会的品...

original title: Angel industry is not a game, but also not is the devil 2015ChinaJoy hot spot. Jiang Diwen, the weather is still hot in Shanghai these days, is the closing of the 2015ChinaJoy. Do the 13th session of ChinaJoy, has become a phenomenal event: large number of game manufacturers rush gathered in various game master, game enthusiasts people such as weaving... Exhibition of goods...

标签: 游戏 ChinaJoy