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赤瞳之刃7月31日攻略 红离之怒

Red pupil edge on July 31, the Raiders red from the anger

2015-07-31 12:53:46来源: 4399

赤瞳之刃的新伙伴萌萌的“红离”将来到我们身边,天选者们你们激动了没?反正我是很想获得她啦!让我们一起去活动中去获得碎片招募她吧! 本周的新功能与活动 1、焰之蜕变·红离的愤怒活动上线!和红离一起!解决危机! 2、红离的热情火焰活动上线!火焰就代表着红离的热情! 3、铠甲武士--恶...

red pupil edge new partner Meng Meng "red" future to our side, election day are you excited didn't? I want to get her anyway! Let's go to the event to get the pieces to recruit her! This week's new features and activities of the 1, the flame of the transformation and the red leaves of anger! And red away together! Resolve the crisis! 2, red from the enthusiasm of the flame on the line! The fire is the passion of red! 3, samurai armor - evil...