新关注 > 信息聚合 > 网游《狩龙战纪》新版内容前瞻预测


Online games, "Shou" dragon, "new forecast the leads of

2015-07-31 10:38:06来源: 新浪

导语:《狩龙战纪》新版本马上就要与大家见面了,作为一款狩猎网游,《狩龙战纪》有独特的龙兽养成、星级猎人考试、500V500国战、还有能搞基可百合的结婚系统等玩法,对于新版本,猎人们都有怎么样的期待? 预测1:第五职业横空出世 目前《狩龙战纪》共有4大职业,分别是战士、牧师、法师和...

:" hunting Dragon Chronicles, "a new version of the soon to meet with you, as a hunting game, the hunting Dragon Chronicles" has unique dragon beast form, Star Hunter exam, 500V500 national war, and can make the base of Lily marriage system and other games are played, for the new version, the hunters have how to have a look? Forecast 1: Fifth "dragon hunting occupation turned out at present there are 4 major wars" occupation, are warriors, mages and priests...

标签: 网游