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酷爽一夏 《全民枪战》八大活动送豪礼

Cool summer "universal gunfight" eight events send Hao Li

2015-07-31 12:12:43来源: 4399

在这个炎热的夏天里面,玩家们是不是已经准备好西瓜、WIFI、空调和全民枪战了~本次官方为玩家送上了超多豪礼,下面跟进跟着小编一起来了解一下吧! 充值即可随机获得永久骑士大奖 活动时间:7月30日15:00-8月2日24:00 活动内容: 充值惊喜有好礼,拥有骑士不是梦! 现在起...

in this hot summer, players is not ready to good watermelon, WiFi, air conditioning and universal gunfight the ~ the official for the players to take the super hao much ceremony. The following Xiaobian together to find out! Recharge can be random access to the permanent Knight awards event: July 30th 15:00-8 month 2 24:00 activity content: recharge surprises are good, with knights is not a dream! Now...