新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《火线精英》新手必看技巧推荐:团队模式快速杀敌


The wire strike, Xinshoubikan skills recommended: team quickly kills

2015-07-31 10:51:46来源: 不凡游戏网

在火线精英手机版中,小编认为最好玩最刺激的就是团队竞技模式了,尤其是连杀数人的快感与成就感真的能让你狠狠地high一把,不过对于刚刚进入火线精英手机版的新人来说,要在团队竞技中刷人头数,实现快速杀敌还是有一定难度的,下面就让小编来给大家支支招! 1、不想白白送死就先了解地图 作为一个...

in FireWire elite mobile version, Xiaobian think the most fun most exciting is the team competitive pattern, especially even kill the pleasure and success of the number of people feeling really can make you hard most of the, but for just entering the FireWire elite mobile phone version of the new, in team sports in the brush head count, quickly kills or have a certain degree of difficulty, let Xiaobian to give you support weapon! 1, do not want to die in vain to understand as a map...