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预购量惊人 EA承诺《星球大战:前线》不跳票

The amount of pre alarming EA promising Star Wars: Finance Conference held today in front not bounced

2015-07-31 12:00:42来源: 新浪

在今天召开的财政会议上,EA COO Peter Moore透漏DICE开发的射击游戏《星球大战:前线》预购量“极其惊人”。不过他并未公布具体数字。 但是Moore又表示,随着数字游戏的崛起,实体游戏的预购并不像以前那样有重要意义了。他说:“我们看到消费者越来越倾向数字版,因此预购量...

, EA coo Peter Moore revealed dice for the development of the shooting game "Star Wars: the front" futures volume "extremely alarming". But he did not disclose the specific figures. But the Moore said, with the rise of digital games, the real game pre order is not as before, has important significance. He said: "we see more and more consumers tend to the digital version, so the amount of pre...

标签: 星球大战