新关注 > 信息聚合 > 脑洞开了多大?《机甲风暴》裸眼3D下的另类玩法


The brain opened much? "Naked eye" mech storm under 3D

2015-07-30 14:39:40来源: 不凡游戏网

脑洞开了多大?《机甲风暴》裸眼3D下的另类玩法 自从公布裸眼3D功能后,中国第一3D科幻机甲手游《机甲风暴》引起了广泛关注。裸眼3D技术虽然应用在手机游戏上是头一回,但该技术问世已经有一段时间,在任天堂3DS主机上已经发布过多款具备裸眼3D功能的游戏,手机上的裸眼3D能为玩家带来什么新...

brain opened much? "MechAssault storm" naked eye 3D alternative play since after the publication of the naked eye 3D function, China's first 3D sci-fi mecha Tour "MechAssault storm" caused widespread concern. Naked eye 3D technology is the first time in the mobile phone game, but the technology has been available for some time, has released a variety of mobile phones in the Nintendo 3DS host 3D features of the game, on the mobile phone 3D can bring a new eye...