新关注 > 信息聚合 > 直面策划,《魔侠传》倾听你的声音!


Face planning, "the magic man biography" to listen to your voice!

2015-07-30 12:43:00来源: 多玩游戏

对游戏有好的建议?在游戏中遇到什么不爽的设计?某些活动玩法让你不满意?玩家们在玩游戏时遇到这些事儿,大多数时间都只有吐槽骂街,找不到合适的渠道反馈。 针对这些情况,《魔侠传》想玩家所想、急玩家所急,特别开启策划直通车,让侠米们能与策划面对面!任何建议、疑问都可以提,让策划为你排忧解难!...

has good suggestions for the game? What's the design of the game? Some activities that make you unhappy? We encounter these things in the game player to play the game, most of the time only Tucao squalling, can not find a suitable channel feedback. In view of these circumstances, the magic man biography want players to think, anxious players are anxious, especially open planning through the car, so that the man can and plan to face the face of the! Any suggestions, questions can be provided, make planning for you exclude the difficulty and anxiety! ...