新关注 > 信息聚合 > 微博爆料OMG战队小狗UZI或将协同大哥转会iG


Microblogging broke the OMG puppy Uzi or co brother move bus iG

2015-07-26 13:53:14来源: 巴士LOL

微博纷争向来多,想来EDG的官方规定不准选手开微博也是情有可原的,这不,OMG的各位又在微博上闹了起来。 近日,贴吧有网友爆料OMG的ADC选手已经取消了所有OMG相关人员的关注,外界更爆料OMG将拿UZI换取VG战队的mata和死亡宣告。 另外更有贴吧网友爆料了一张微博截图,截...

struggle of the microblogging has always been more, want EDG's official rules do not allow players to open microblogging is excusable. This does not, OMG you and on the microblogging downtown. Recently, it has been posted online friends broke the ADC OMG players have canceled all the attention of the relevant personnel, the outside world is more OMG UZI will get VG for the Mata team's OMG and death announcement. In addition to stick a friend posted a microblogging screenshot...