新关注 > 信息聚合 > PS5兼容游戏性能测试:令人满意的提升


Ps5 compatible game performance test: satisfactory improvement

2020-11-07 01:10:43来源: 游戏时光

PS5 外媒评测已经全面解禁。其中对 PS4 游戏的兼容是 PS5 的重要功能之一 ,Digital Foundry 对 PS5 的兼容能力做了测试,让我们来看看它运行 PS4 游戏表现如何。 首先,一些索尼第一方 PS4 游戏近期都推送了一个针对 PS5 的兼容强化补丁。《对马之魂》《往日不再》都达到了稳定的 60 帧。 有补丁的游戏毕竟是少数,要真正展现兼容能力还得看没有任何补丁的绝大多数 PS4 游戏。 《古墓丽影 崛起》在 PS4 Pro 上的表现不佳,受羸弱的 Jaguar CPU 拖累,帧数非常不稳定。4K 分辨率模式现在稳定 30 帧,不

&The ban on foreign media evaluation has been lifted. The compatibility of PS4 games is one of the important functions of ps5. Digital foundry has tested the compatibility of ps5. Let's see how it performs when running PS4 games. &First of all, some Sony first party PS4 games have recently launched a compatible enhancement patch for ps5. "The soul of the horse" and "the past no longer" have reached a stable 60 frames. &After all, there are only a few games with patches. To really show the compatibility, we have to see the vast majority of PS4 games without any patches. &Amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Tomb Raider's rise didn't perform well on the PS4 pro, dragged down by a weak Jaguar CPU, and the frame count was very volatile. 4K resolution mode is now stable for 30 frames, No

标签: 游戏 PS