新关注 > 信息聚合 > 手感控不能错过《星际战甲》或将引入新系统


Feel and control can not miss the star armor "or will be the introduction of a new system

2015-07-17 12:08:59来源: 17173

近日, 一张游《星际战甲》美服在对应“Oculus Rift VR头戴显示器”的3D截图在玩家群体中掀起了轩然大波,如果这是真的,就是说玩家将会有机会通过该设备“全身视角”融入到虚拟现实的宇宙战斗中去。真正变身成超能的“天诺战士”。玩家们也可以亲身感受未来宇宙中的告高速战斗。 可疑的《...

recently, a swim the interstellar war a" beauty service corresponds to the oculus rift VR head mounted display "in 3D screenshot in the player community set off an uproar, if this is true, that is to say players will have the opportunity through the device body perspective into virtual reality battle for the universe. Really turned into a "super soldier theanol". Players can also experience the future of the universe in the fight against high speed. Suspicious "...

标签: 星际战甲