新关注 > 信息聚合 > 美式硬派科幻大作 《星际战甲》世界观曝光

美式硬派科幻大作 《星际战甲》世界观曝光

American hardcore sci-fi masterpiece "star war a" world view "to play the game

2015-04-02 14:44:43来源: 多玩游戏

《星际战甲》(英文名:Warframe)是由知名研发公司Digital Extremes耗时多年开发完成的一款典型科幻题材的第三人称动作射击网游。形象鲜明、能力各异的众多超能英雄,激爽刺激的动作击杀快感,以及媲美单机大作的极致画面,使得自游戏公布就吸引全球超过500万用户关注 玩家们...

star armor" (English Name: Warframe) is a well-known research company Digital Extremes took many years to complete the development of a typical science fiction third person action shooting games. Many heroes vivid, the ability of different customers, exciting action thrill kill, and comparable to stand-alone masterpiece ultimate screen, since making the game released to attract more than 5000000 users worldwide attention to game player...

标签: 星际战甲