新关注 > 信息聚合 > 个个都是经典 近5年来PS平台的十大高品质游戏

个个都是经典 近5年来PS平台的十大高品质游戏

Every one of them is a classic in the past five years PS platform ten high-quality games

2015-07-16 15:11:23来源: 新浪


since 2011 began, the PS platform development momentum is very strong, I selected the top 10 there are four games are released in the year. That time, PS3 in the creative and technical potential have reached the apex. Today, although the PS4 have been issued in recent years, but the platform only a game entered the top 10 list, which means that the PS4 platform game idea is far less than the PS3 when the scenery (although 2015 there are a lot of goods.

标签: 游戏 PS