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OMG阵容变迁史:初代最强 引Uzi成败笔?

OMG history: first the strongest lineup Uzi cited a failure?

2015-07-14 16:08:29来源: 东北网

初代的OMG拥有着当时最强的阵容,那年的OMG一举拿下8个冠军与2个亚军。 从来就没有永恒的王者,但会存在曾经属于他们的王朝。M5是这样,WE是这样,SKT是这样,OMG也将会这样。一路走来跌跌撞撞,顶着人们质疑的目光,经历过巅峰时的癫狂,也有过跌落低谷时的哀伤。初代的OMG拥有着当...

OMG has the strongest lineup, the OMG that year winning 8 titles and 2 runner up. There has never been a king, but there was a dynasty that once belonged to them. M5 is this way, WE is so, SKT is the way, OMG will be the way. All the way came stumbling, against the eyes of people questioned, experienced the peak of madness, also had to drop to the bottom of the sad. When the OMG has a primary...