新关注 > 信息聚合 > “大圣归来“辣么火 《仙变2》大圣娶亲没玩过你..

“大圣归来“辣么火 《仙变2》大圣娶亲没玩过你..

"Mahatma return" hot fire "immortal variable 2" Mahatma wedding never played you extraordinary..

2015-07-14 14:37:09来源: 不凡游戏网

这个周末,小编的微信朋友圈遭遇了“史上零差评国产电影《大圣归来》”的轮番攻炸。翻开美团、豆瓣、猫眼电影,竟然给出了9.5的罕见高分。小编遂愤然团下电影票,晚上撸一把先。不过呢,“大圣”题材辣么火,电影要看,游戏也是要玩的嘛。 刘诗诗倾情代言的百变国战手游《仙变2》致敬经典,6月上线新...

this weekend, a small series of micro channel circle of friends suffered a "history of homodyne rating turns the attack of domestic movie Mahatma return" "fried. Open the U.S. group, watercress, opal film, was given a rare score of 9.5. Small group was stormed a movie ticket, a first night line. However, the "King" theme so fire, going to the movies, the game is to have fun. Liu Shishi endorsement portrait of amazing country war "2" Mobile Games Xian tribute classic, June new on-line...