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全民枪战挑战模式火箭筒使用技巧 炸死自己的一定..

National shootout challenge the bazooka mode using skills killed some of his own..

2015-07-12 06:48:56来源: 4399

在挑战模式中获得道具火箭筒是不是很开心,然后一大堆怪物跑到你面前来的时候,往怪物堆里就是一轰,结果玩家也平白无故的死翘翘了,那么玩家在全民枪战挑战模式中如何使用好火箭筒,下面4399东东为玩家分享一些小技巧吧! ▌使用火箭筒注意事项 1、火箭筒获得之后,玩家不要急着使用,可以切换成其...

props bazooka in challenge mode is not very happy, then a lot of monster ran in front of you, to the monster heap is a boom. The results internationally also flatly dead., then players in national shootout challenge mode in how to use the rocket launcher, 4399 stuff below for the players to share some tips! After using the bazooka note 1, bazooka, game player not to rush to use, you can switch into the...