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岳父韩寒率队征战TGA大奖赛 《使命召唤OL》引爆..

Father Han led the team goes on an expedition the TGA Grand Prix "call of duty ol" detonated..

2015-07-03 13:24:45来源: 电玩巴士

日前圆满落幕的2015年TGA大奖赛夏季总决赛,给无数游戏玩家留下深刻印象的莫过于国民岳父韩寒自组战队参赛。战争大作《使命召唤OL》全国赛随着明星玩家韩寒的加入,不仅成为本届大奖赛关注度最高的电竞项目之一,而且引发QQ浏览器游戏频道该游戏搜索量和下载量的急剧上升,火爆程度可见一斑。 作...

recently ended 2015 TGA Grand Prix summer finals, to leave a deep impression on the numerous games of nothing better than Han national father since the team competition. War as "call of duty ol" national competition with Han star players to join, not only become the current Grand Prix concern. One of the highest degree of gaming projects, but also lead to QQ browser game channel the game search and download rise rapidly, popularity is evident. For...