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Retired after the way: inventory of the DOTA community players sideline

2015-07-03 12:57:44来源: 游久网

壮士暮年,时间磨损了他们的战甲,覆灭了他们的志气。他们面对汹涌的“后浪”,往往会机智地选择全身而退、明哲保身。或者他们会选择更体面的方式,夺得冠军后功成身退,给江湖一个华丽的背影。 职业选手的退役大都出于对现实的无奈,当年轻的小伙子用傲人的手速、反应全方位压制他们,而他们引以为傲的经...

warrior twilight, time worn their armor and the destruction of their ambition. They face a surge of "waves", often tactfully choose retreat, be worldly-wise and play safe. Or they will choose a more decent way, won the championship after an arena to retire after winning merit, the magnificent figure. Most of the retired professional players from the reality of the helpless, when the young man with a proud man's hand speed, response to the full suppression of them, and they are proud of the...

标签: DOTA