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全新版本《加勒比海盗OL》 更新内容曝光

A new version of the Pirates of the Caribbean ol "update content exposure

2015-07-03 14:46:54来源: 4399

卡牌策略类手游大作《加勒比海盗OL》真实还原电影情节,场景奢华高端,人物角色Q萌,依托于卡牌且兵种阵形变幻莫测,为玩家增添了别样的游戏乐趣。 本次《加勒比海盗OL》内容更新首先对新手引导做了扩充。增加了等级开放内容提示、增加战斗倍率调整提示、经验显示槽等以及修改神器、兵种升级、竞技场,...

card brand strategy class tour started as" Pirates of the Caribbean ol "restore the true movie plot, scene high-end luxury, personas, Meng Q, relying on card and the vagaries of the arms of the formation, for the players to add a different kind of game fun. This time the "Pirates of the Caribbean OL" content update first of all to guide the expansion of the novice. Increases the content of the grade open tip, increasing the combat rate adjustment tips, experience has shown that slot and modify the artifact, arms upgrade, arena,...