新关注 > 信息聚合 > 真勇士就上100层!《石器时代2-3D正版》挑战魔王..


True warrior on the 100 floor! "Stone age 2-3D genuine" challenge the devil..

2015-07-01 13:54:43来源: 不凡游戏网

由韩国Netmarble Games Corp.正版授权、国内知名发行商掌趣科技发行的3D回合制RPG手游《石器时代2-3D正版》现已全平台上线,登陆应用商店搜索“石器时代2”即可下载游戏,开启奇妙的史前冒险之旅! 在全新《石器时代2-3D正版》中,各位石灰们不仅能够体验到的经典玩法...

by South Korea netmarble games Corp. genuine empowerment, domestic well-known publisher palm "stone age 2-3D genuine" distribution of science and technology of 3D RPG mobile games is now interested in the whole platform on-line, sign in to the app store search "Stone Age 2" can download games, open wonderful prehistoric adventure! In the new "stone age 2-3D genuine", ladies and lime were not only able to experience the classic gameplay.