新关注 > 信息聚合 > 别想静静了 《1000种死法》带你厮杀带你嗨!

别想静静了 《1000种死法》带你厮杀带你嗨!

Don't want to quietly. "1000 kinds of death" with you to fight with you!

2015-07-01 14:20:24来源: 不凡游戏网

夏季炎炎,激情四溢!《1000种死法》为大家带来轰轰烈烈的死亡对抗战,让你在激烈厮杀中释放积蓄一年的汗水与“怒气”,还焉儿在空调底下想静静的小伙伴们,快点起来嗨! 《1000种死法》是一款以传统TPS射击为基础玩法的竖版单机手游,玩家利用TPS射击对抗无尽涌入的怪物大军,射击准度与速...

summer is hot, passionate! "1000 ways to die" for everyone to bring vigorous death to the Anti Japanese War, let you in the fierce fighting in the release of savings in a sweat and "anger", Yan son under the air-conditioning want to quietly small partners, hurry up. Hey! "1000 kinds of dead method" is a traditional TPS shooting as the basis of the vertical version of the play a single hand travel, players use TPS shooting game against the endless influx of monster army, shooting accuracy and speed...