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4399生死狙击32强战队决出 本周谁将冲出海选?

4399 sniper 32 strong corps decided this week, who will be out of the audition?

2015-06-23 19:56:26来源: 4399

端午假期,“粽”情一战!在粽子节小长 假里,4399生死狙击首届线上战队赛 迎来了赛区淘汰赛的第二场比赛——64进 32,四大赛区64强队伍两两对阵,最终每个 赛区32强战队脱颖而出,再次恭喜,也感 谢每一个参赛成员的精彩表现! 无论比赛多么的残酷,它仍然会继续挑战 着每一支参赛战队...

Dragon Boat Festival holiday, "dumplings" battle! In dumplings Festival small long vacation, 4399 shooter first line team competition ushered in the second division playoff game 64: into 32, division four of the 64 team pairwise against, 32 strong team to come to the fore in each division, congratulations again, but also a sense of Xie every team member's brilliant performance! Regardless of race how cruel, it will still continue to challenge every single teams...