新关注 > 信息聚合 > Take-Two:消费者已经准备好游戏涨价了


Take two: consumers are ready for game price hikes

2021-03-06 10:30:58来源: 游戏时光

Take-Two 去年率先宣布《NBA 2K21》将在 PS5 和 Xbox Series X/S 卖到 70 美元,后来他们又澄清到,并不是每款游戏的售价都是 70 美元,但这一定程度上确实引领了次世代游戏涨价的风潮。而 Take-Two 的首席执行官 Strauss Zelnick 最近在一场投资者相关的会议上说到:“我们的游戏,提供了非凡的体验和重复可玩性,美国市场的一线游戏上一次涨价还是在 2005~2006 年,所以我们认为消费者已经准备好了。”他继续解释到:“我们想法是提供比收费更多的价值,以确保游戏体验和付费体验对消费者来说都是积极的。因为即使你再喜欢一个东西,如果被多收了钱还是会觉得不爽……我们希望让大家认为我们提供的内容价值远超收费,对于持续性的消费支出也是如此。我们的目的是激活并吸引用户,若

Last year, take two took the lead in announcing that NBA 2k21 will sell for $70 in ps5 and Xbox series X / s. later, they clarified that not every game will sell for $70, but it did lead to the trend of price increase of next generation games to a certain extent. Strauss Zelnick, chief executive of take two, said recently at an investor related conference: "our games provide extraordinary experience and repeat playability. The last price rise of first-line games in the U.S. market was in 2005-2006, so we think consumers are ready." "The idea is to provide more value than charging to ensure that both the gaming experience and the paid experience are positive for consumers," he continued. Because even if you like another thing, if you are overcharged, you will still feel uncomfortable We want you to think that the value of our content far exceeds the fees, and so does the continuous consumption expenditure. Our goal is to activate and attract users if

标签: 游戏