新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《古惑狼4 时机已到》发售日公布,PS4版现已发售

《古惑狼4 时机已到》发售日公布,PS4版现已发售

"The time has come for ancient wolf 4" to go on sale, the PS4 version is now on sale

2021-02-26 07:00:28来源: 游戏时光

在今早的「State of Play」直播活动上,SIE 公布了《古惑狼4 时机已到》的全新消息。本作将在 PS5 平台支持原生 4K 60fps、快速读取、自适应扳机、3D 音频等新特性,支持将存档从 PS4 转移至 PS5。视频链接本作的 PS4 版现已发售,PS5 版将在 3 月 12 日发售。

In this morning's "state of play" live broadcast, Sie announced the new news of "the time has come for ancient puzzle wolf 4". This work will support the original 4K 60fps, fast read, adaptive trigger, 3D audio and other new features on ps5 platform, and support the transfer of archive from PS4 to ps5. The PS4 version of the video link is now available, and the ps5 version will be available on March 12.

标签: PS PS4