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UK game week sales: Super Mario 3D world + rage world

2021-02-15 10:39:54来源: 游戏时光

最新一期的英国游戏周销量公布了,任天堂旗下“马力欧”系列加量移植作品《超级马力欧3D世界+狂怒世界》已于上周发售,目前已一举成为 2021 年英国卖得最快的实体游戏,同时也是继《超级马力欧 奥德赛》和《超级马力欧 3D收藏辑》之后销量第三好的“马力欧”游戏,而且它们无一例外都是“3D 马力欧”游戏。 对比 Wii U 平台发售的原作 《超级马力欧3D世界》(当周首发销量排名第 14 位),加料移植版的内容量几乎达到了原版的 3 倍之多,而本作英国首周实体销量也比原版高出 180%,同时本作也是《新超级马力欧兄弟U 豪华版》首周销量的 2.5 倍,不过相比《超级马力欧 3D收藏辑》首周销量仅三分之一。 同时在《超级马力欧3D世界+狂怒世界》的带动下,“马力欧”系列众多游戏均迎

The latest UK game week sales announced that Nintendo's "Mario" series of incremental transplants "Super Mario 3D world + fury world" went on sale last week. Now it has become the fastest-selling physical game in the UK in 2021, and it is also the second to "Super Mario Odyssey" and "Super Mario Odyssey" The third best-selling "Mario" game after 3D collection, and they are all "3D Mario" games without exception.    Compared with the original Super Mario 3D world released on Wii u platform (ranking 14th in the first week's sales volume), the internal capacity of the loading and transplanting version is almost three times that of the original version, and the first week's physical sales volume of this work in the UK is 180% higher than that of the original version. At the same time, this work is also 2.5 times of the first week's sales volume of the New Super Mario Brothers u luxury version, but compared with Super Mario

标签: 游戏