新关注 > 信息聚合 > GOG春节促销开始:《赛博朋克2077》首次打折


Gog Spring Festival Promotion starts: first sale of cyberpunk 2077

2021-02-10 18:18:11来源: 游戏时光

GOG 宣布,从 2 月 10 日开启春节特惠促销,促销中《赛博朋克2077》迎来发售后的首次打折(9折),《巫师3 年度版》则会以 2 折降至史低价位。本次促销共含 2200 款以上的游戏,最高减价 91 %。部分优惠游戏如下:《生化奇兵 无限 完整版》(减价75%)《红怪》(减价33%)《控制 终极版》(减价40%) 《神界 原罪2 终极版》(减价60%) 《冰汽时代》(减价66%) 《狂野星球之旅》(减价40%) 《炽焰帝国:十字军东征》(减价50%) 《四海兄弟3 豪华版》(减价66%) 《地铁 离乡》(减价60%) 《开拓者:拥王者 帝国版捆绑包》(减价35%) 《影子战术:将军之刃》(减价80%) 《影子武士2

Gog announced that the Spring Festival special promotion will be launched on February 10. In the promotion, "cyberpunk 2077" will receive the first discount (10% off), while "Wizard 3 annual edition" will drop to the lowest price by 20%. This promotion includes more than 2200 games, with a maximum price reduction of 91%. Some of the discount games are as follows: biochemical wonder infinite Full Version (reduced price by 75%), red monster (reduced price by 33%), control Ultimate Version (reduced price by 40%) & amp; nbsp; divine sin 2 Ultimate Version (reduced price by 60%) & amp; nbsp; ice age (reduced price by 66%) & amp; nbsp; journey to the Wild Planet (reduced price by 40%) & amp; nbsp; Blazing Empire: Crusade (50% off) & amp; nbsp; brothers of the four seas 3 Deluxe (66% off) & amp; nbsp; subway departure (60% off) & amp; nbsp; trailblazer: King Hugger Empire bundle (35% off) & amp; nbsp; shadow Warcraft: blade of the general (80% off) & amp; nbsp; Shadow Warrior 2