新关注 > 信息聚合 > Xbox春节特卖活动现已开启,主机PC均打折


Xbox's Spring Festival sale is now open, and all PCs are on sale

2021-02-11 00:36:01来源: 游戏时光

Xbox 春节特卖活动现已开启。活动时间从即日起持续至 2021 年 2 月 15 日。 本次参与打折的游戏包括 Xbox 主机和 Win10 PC 商店的众多游戏,玩家可以自行浏览看看是否有心仪的价格。 值得一提的是,国服商店的《精灵与萤火意志》目前售价 32.67 元,支持 XPA 和智能分发特性,买一份得 PC 和双世代主机三个版本游戏。另外《光环 士官长合集》价格为 83.4 元,《极限竞速 地平线4 终极版》价格为 333 元。 部分港服 Xbox 商店打折游戏如下。

&Amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Xbox Spring Festival sale is now open. The event will last from today to February 15, 2021. &The discounted games include many games from Xbox and win10 PC stores. Players can browse to see if they have the price they like. &It's worth mentioning that the current price of "spirit and firefly will" in Guofu store is 32.67 yuan, which supports XPA and intelligent distribution features, and can buy three versions of the game: PC and dual generation console. In addition, the price of "halo officials collection" is 83.4 yuan, and the price of "ultimate horizon 4" is 333 yuan. &Some discount games in Hong Kong service Xbox stores are as follows.

标签: Xbox PC