新关注 > 信息聚合 > 索尼新专利:为手柄添加Wi-Fi模块以降低延迟


Sony's new patent: add Wi Fi module to handle to reduce delay

2021-02-07 11:05:20来源: 游戏时光

近日,有人发现了 SIE 申请的一项新专利,该专利内容为一个包含蓝牙收发模块和 Wi-Fi 收发模块的手柄。此项专利最初于 2019 年被提交,但直到最近才由美国专利商标局发布。专利描述写道:随着游戏日益复杂,玩家对机器性能的要求越来越高,其中的一个指标就是玩家输入与屏幕上产生操作反应之间的延迟。目前几乎没有能解决在游玩过程中无线手柄延迟问题的方法。本项专利内容同时配置了至少一个蓝牙收发模块和一个 Wi-Fi 收发模块。输入到手柄的指令会分别生成两个相同的信号发送给主机,而主机或 Web 服务器会接受两个信号中先到达的那个,从而减少等待时间。来源:playstationlifestyle

Recently, someone discovered a new patent applied by SIE, which is a handle containing Bluetooth transceiver module and Wi Fi transceiver module. The patent was originally filed in 2019, but was only recently released by the U.S. patent and Trademark Office. The patent description says: with the increasing complexity of the game, players have higher requirements for the performance of the machine. One of the indicators is the delay between the player's input and the operation response on the screen. At present, there is almost no way to solve the problem of wireless handle delay in the process of playing. The patent content is configured with at least one Bluetooth transceiver module and one Wi Fi transceiver module. The command input to the handle will generate two identical signals and send them to the host, and the host or web server will accept the first one of the two signals, so as to reduce the waiting time. Source: Playstation life

标签: 索尼