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Vice president of marketing of qianmotv joins Tencent

2021-02-06 15:02:35来源: 游戏时光

前动视市场营销负责人 David Tyler 近日入职腾讯,担任 PC 及主机游戏全球市场营销总监一职,并就此事接受了外媒采访。 在采访中,他表示自己对本次入职抱有积极看法:腾讯这家公司目前正处于一个振奋人心的发展阶段。我很高兴能够加入他们的行列,同时也期待着和腾讯旗下越来越多的工作室进行合作,把他们的作品带给全球玩家。David Tyler 在市场营销领域有超过 20 年的工作经验,曾在动视供职 14 年,官至市场营销副总裁,负责过该公司不少游戏系列的市场发行,比如《007》系列和《蜘蛛侠》系列,其中最知名的则是《使命召唤》系列。自从 2019 年离开动视暴雪后,David Tyler 就作为市场营销顾问为游戏开发者提供建议。他的入职意味着腾讯在大力投资游戏制作和发行领域的同时,也在加强自己的市场营

David Tyler, head of marketing for qianmotv, recently joined Tencent as the global marketing director of PC and console games, and was interviewed by foreign media on the matter. &In the interview, he said that he has a positive view on this entry: Tencent is currently in an exciting stage of development. I'm very happy to join them. At the same time, I'm looking forward to cooperating with more and more studios of Tencent to bring their works to players all over the world. David Tyler has more than 20 years of working experience in the field of marketing. He has worked in Activision for 14 years and worked as vice president of marketing. He has been responsible for the marketing distribution of many game series of the company, such as 007 series and Spiderman series, the most famous of which is call of Duty series. Since leaving Activision Blizzard in 2019, David Tyler has been advising game developers as a marketing consultant. His entry means that while Tencent is investing heavily in game production and distribution, it is also strengthening its marketing

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