新关注 > 信息聚合 > 日本一公布神秘新作《侦探扑灭》开场动画及游戏情报


Opening animation and game intelligence of a new mystery novel detective fight released in Japan

2021-02-04 14:47:51来源: 游戏时光

日本一曾于 2 月 1 日放出一个神秘新作的页面,在公布一则恐怖诡异的预告视频后,官方今天正式宣布游戏标题为《侦探扑灭》,预计将于 5 月 27 日登陆 PS4/Switch 平台,售价 6980 日元(约合 429 元),一并公布了游戏的开场动画。 视频地址官方称《侦探扑灭》为一款“侦探模拟冒险”游戏,游戏背景为恐怖的连续杀人犯“分尸公”已造成了 100 人死亡,作为对策国家决定组成由 100 名侦探构成的“侦探同盟”,平凡的高中生侦探北条和都在老师的带领下来到了“摩尔哥”岛与其他侦探交流,但得知“分尸公”已在该岛上造成了众多侦探的死亡,究极的“侦探杀人事件”摆在了众人的面前。本作中主要角色为 14 名性格各异的侦探,而北条和都作为侦探排行最后一名的“无能侦探”,并没有什么起眼的技能,因此选择自己能够信赖的侦

Japan once released a mysterious new page on February 1. After releasing a horrible and weird preview video, the official today officially announced the title of the game as "detective fight", which is expected to land on the PS4 / switch platform on May 27. The price is 6980 yen (about 429 yuan), and announced the opening animation of the game. Video address official said "detective fight" as a "detective simulation adventure" game, the game background for the horror of the serial murderer "corpse" has caused 100 deaths, as a countermeasure, the country decided to form by 100 The "detective alliance" formed by famous detectives, ordinary high school student detectives Beitiao and are led by their teachers to communicate with other detectives on the "molgor" island. However, they learn that the "corpse divider" has caused the death of many detectives on the island, and the ultimate "detective homicide" is in front of everyone. In this work, the main characters are 14 detectives with different personalities. As the last "incompetent detectives" in the detective list, kitaoho has no obvious skills, so he chooses the detectives he can trust

标签: 游戏