新关注 > 信息聚合 > 您的Switch 2020年回顾已上线,请注意查收

您的Switch 2020年回顾已上线,请注意查收

Your switch 2020 review is online, please check it

2020-12-23 10:25:57来源: 游戏时光

美国任天堂在今日上线了 Switch 2020年回顾页面(仅面向加拿大服和美服账号),玩家可以查看自己过去一年里最常玩的 5 款游戏,游玩总时长和总游戏数,自己是哪个类型的玩家等内容。传送门:点击此处。希望港服和日服也能尽快上线该回顾页面。*图片来自网络

Nintendo in the United States launched the switch 2020 review page today (only for Canadian service and American service accounts). Players can view the five most frequently played games in the past year, the total playing time and the total number of games, and the type of player they are. Portal: click here. I hope that Hong Kong service and Japan service can also go online as soon as possible. *The picture is from the Internet

标签: Switch