新关注 > 信息聚合 > XSX外媒体验印象:高光时刻尚未到来的强大主机


Xsx foreign media experience impression: a powerful host yet to come

2020-11-06 19:32:31来源: 游戏时光

次世代主机 Xbox Series X 外媒评测已经全面解禁,本文是对部分外媒给这台主机总体评价的汇总。Xbox Series S 目前评测还不完全,日后会另开一篇做补充。GameSpot 总体来说,Xbox Series X 是一台非常出色、简单直接的主机,同时也有很多潜力等待挖掘。它专注于成为现有 Xbox 生态里体验最好的硬件产品,但也没有带来任何非常大胆的新点子(快速恢复也许是,取决于读者自己怎么看)。 Xbox Series X 到目前为止还没有一个真正能展现硬件潜力的杀手级游戏,在这之前选择持币观望也没有问题。其强大的兼容能力已经向我们展现了这台主机真正实力的冰山一角,未来可期。

&Foreign media evaluation of Xbox series X, the next generation host, has been lifted. This paper is a summary of the overall evaluation of this host by some foreign media. The evaluation of Xbox series s is not complete at present and will be supplemented by another one in the future. Gamespot & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; overall, the Xbox series X is an excellent, simple and straightforward host, and it has a lot of potential to explore. It's focused on being the best hardware to experience in the existing Xbox ecosystem, but it doesn't bring any very bold new ideas (fast recovery, perhaps, depends on what the reader thinks). &So far, there is no killer game that can really show the potential of hardware in Xbox series X, so it's OK to wait and see with money before that. Its powerful compatibility ability has shown us the tip of the iceberg of the real strength of this host, and the future can be expected.