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Morning news (November 7)

2020-11-07 07:00:00来源: 游戏时光

游戏新闻PS5媒体印象:一记积蓄力量的重拳  次世代主机 PS5 外媒评测已经全面解禁,游戏时光将部分外媒给这台主机总体评价进行了汇总,包含了 IGN、Polygon、GameSpot 以及 Kotaku 的评价。详细评价请点击新闻标题跳转观看。XSX外媒体验印象:高光时刻尚未到来的强大主机  次世代主机 Xbox Series X 外媒评测已经全面解禁,游戏时光对部分外媒给这台主机总体评价进行了汇总,包含了 GameSpot、IGN、Eurogamer 以及 The Verge 的评价。详细评价请点击新闻标题跳转观看。《星球大战 绝地:陨落的武士团》11月10日加入EA Play  EA 宣布,重生娱乐作品《星球大战 绝地:陨落的武士团》将于 11 月 10 日加入到 EA Play 订阅服务中。  此外,E

Game news ps5 media impression: a heavy fist of accumulating strength. The foreign media evaluation of the next generation host ps5 has been completely lifted. The game time summarized the overall evaluation of some foreign media to this host, including the evaluation of IGN, polygon, gamespot and Kotaku. For detailed comments, please click on the news title to jump to watch. Xsx's impression of foreign media experience: the next generation Xbox series X, a powerful host that has not yet reached the high light moment, has been completely released from foreign media evaluation. The game time has summarized the overall evaluation of some foreign media on this host, including the evaluation of gamespot, IGN, eurogamer and the verge. For detailed comments, please click on the news title to jump to watch. Star Wars Jedi: the fallen order joined EA play on November 10. EA announced that rebirth entertainment Star Wars Jedi: the fallen order will join EA play subscription service on November 10. In addition, e