新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《最终幻想X/X-2》PS4国行评测:这冷饭炒的很良心


PS4 country assessment of "Final Fantasy X/X-2": the cold rice fried very conscientious

2015-06-15 17:31:55来源: TechWeb

14年前,《最终幻想X》登陆PS2并成为该系列众多经典作品中的经典,当年Fami通为《最终幻想X》给出了39分(满分40)的超高评价。 今年早些时候,Square Enix将《最终幻想X/X-2》进行了高清重制并登陆PS4主机,以更华丽的画面让玩家重温这部作品。 现在,《最终幻想X/...

14 years ago, Final Fantasy X, landing PS2 and has become a classic of the series of many classic works, then fami through final fantasy x, given the 39 points (out of 40) of the ultra high evaluation. Earlier this year, Enix Square will "Final Fantasy X/X-2" for high-definition and landing PS4 host, in a more gorgeous picture allows players to revisit this work. Now, the ultimate fantasy X/...

标签: PS 最终幻想 PS4