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ECL总决赛CDEC VS IG赛事回顾 看IG如何狂扭战局

ECL finals CDEC vs Ig event review see Ig how crazy twisted war

2015-06-15 23:31:00来源: 游久网

ECL春季赛在6月14号进行了久违的总决赛,比赛双方分别是在败者组战胜对手LGD战队的IG战队,和在胜者组战胜LGD战队的CDEC战队,在昨天那场精彩的比赛中,IG战队获的冠军,cdec战队获得亚军,而LGD获取季军。 虽然是周末。可使用游久看比赛观看赛事的玩家,达到了最高人数200...

ECL spring game on June 14, were returning to the finals, the match between the two sides are in group of losers beat rival clan LGD, Ig clan, and in the winner team beat the CDEC clan, clan LGD, in yesterday the wonderful game, Ig team won the championship, the team CDEC won runner up and the LGD get third place. Although it's the weekend. You can use a long time watching the game to watch the players, reaching the maximum number of 200...